PUBLICATIONS forthcoming
Dimand, Eugen, Gerben van Kleef and Shaul Shalvi (forthcoming) Requiem for a Nudge: Framing Effects in Nudging Honesty Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization PDF-file
Frans van Winden (forthcoming) Affect in Public Choice Christian BjØrnskov & Richard Jong-A-Pin (eds) Elgar Encyclopedia of Public Choice Edward Elgar PDF-file
Larkin, Ian, Lamar Pierce, Shaul Shalvi, Ann Tenbrunsel (forthcoming) The opportunities and challenges of behavioral field research on misconduct Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes PDF-file
Ziegler, Andreas, Giorgia Romagnoli and Theo Offerman (forthcoming) Morals in Multi-Unit Markets Journal of the European Economic Association PDF-file
van Winden, Frans (forthcoming) Affective relationships: role, dynamics, and modeling Swee-Hoon Chuah, Robert Hoffmann and Ananta Neelim (eds) Edward Elgar Encyclopedia of Behavioural and Experimental Economics Edward Elgar PDF-file


Andrighetto, Giulia, Aron Szekely, Andrea Guido, Michele Gelfand, Jered Abernathy, Gizem Arikan, Zeynep Aycan, Shweta Bankar, Davide Barrera, Dana Basnight-Brown, Anabel Belaus, Elizaveta Berezina, Sheyla Blumen, Paweł Boski, Huyen Thi Thu Bui, Juan Camilo Cárdenas, Đorđe Čekrlija, Mícheál de Barra, Piyanjali de Zoysa, Angela Dorrough, Jan B. Engelmann, Hyun Euh, Susann Fiedler, Olivia Foster-Gimbel, Gonçalo Freitas, Marta Fülöp, Ragna B. Gardarsdottir, Colin Mathew Hugues D. Gill, Andreas Glöckner, Sylvie Graf, Ani Grigoryan, Katarzyna Growiec, Hirofumi Hashimoto, Tim Hopthrow, Martina Hřebíčková, Hirotaka Imada, Yoshio Kamijo, Hansika Kapoor, Yoshihisa Kashima, Narine Khachatryan, Natalia Kharchenko, Diana León, Lisa M. Leslie, Yang Li, Kadi Liik, Marco Tullio Liuzza, Angela T. Maitner, Pavan Mamidi, Michele McArdle, Imed Medhioub, Maria Luisa Mendes Teixeira, Sari Mentser, Francisco Morales, Jayanth Narayanan, Kohei Nitta, Ravit Nussinson, Nneoma G. Onyedire, Ike E. Onyishi, Evgeny Osin, Seniha Özden, Penny Panagiotopoulou, Oleksandr Pereverziev, Lorena R. Perez-Floriano, Anna-Maija Pirttilä-Backman, Marianna Pogosyan, Jana Raver, Cecilia Reyna, Ricardo Borges Rodrigues, Sara Romanò, Pedro P. Romero, Inari Sakki, Angel Sánchez, Sara Sherbaji, Brent Simpson, Lorenzo Spadoni, Eftychia Stamkou, Giovanni A. Travaglino, Paul A. M. Van Lange, Fiona Fira Winata, Rizqy Amelia Zein, Qing-peng Zhang & Kimmo Eriksson (2024) Changes in social norms during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic across 43 countries Nature Communications 15, PDF-file Link to article
Bhatia, Deepti, Urs Fischbacher, Jan Hausfeld and Regina Stumpf (2024) Blame and praise: responsibility attribution patterns in decision chains Experimental Economics PDF-file
Chang, Li-Ang, Jan B. Engelmann (2024) The impact of incidental anxiety on the neural signature of mentalizing Imaging Neuroscience PDF-file Link to article
Engelmann, Jan B., Maël Lebreton, Nahuel A. Salem-Garcia, Peter Schwardmann, Joël J. van der Weele (2024) Anticipatory Anxiety and Wishful Thinking American Economic Review 114, 926–960 PDF-file Link to article
Hirmas, Alejandro, Jan B. Engelmann, Joel van der Weele (2024) Individual and Contextual Effects of Attention in Risky Choice Experimental Economics PDF-file Link to article
Mol, Jantsje M. and Catherine Molho (2024) Information about changes in platform economy taxation diminishes optimism regarding future use Journal of the Economic Science Association PDF-file OSF Link to article
Pace, Davide, Taisuke Imai, Peter Schwardmann, Joel val der Weele (2024) Uncertainty about carbon impact and the willingness to avoid CO2 Emissions Ecological Economics 227, Link to article
Per A. Andersson, Irina Vartanova, Daniel Västfjäll, Gustav Tinghög, Pontus Strimling, Junhui Wu, Isabela Hazin, Charity S. Akotia, Alisher Aldashev, Giulia Andrighetto, Adote Anum, Gizem Arikan, Fatemeh Bagherian, Davide Barrera, Dana Basnight-Brown, Birzhan Batkeyev, Elizaveta Berezina, Marie Björnstjerna, Paweł Boski, Inna Bovina, Bui Thi Thu Huyen, Đorđe Čekrlija, Hoon-Seok Choi, Carlos C. Contreras-Ibáñez, Rui Costa-Lopes, Mícheál de Barra, Piyanjali de Zoysa, Angela R. Dorrough, Nikolay Dvoryanchikov, Jan B. Engelmann, Hyun Euh, Xia Fang, Susann Fiedler, Olivia A. Foster-Gimbel, Márta Fülöp, Ragna B. Gardarsdottir, C. M. Hew D. Gill, Andreas Glöckner, Sylvie Graf, Ani Grigoryan, Vladimir Gritskov, Katarzyna Growiec, Peter Halama, Andree Hartanto, Tim Hopthrow, Martina Hřebíčková, Dzintra Iliško, Hirotaka Imada, Hansika Kapoor, Kerry Kawakami, Narine Khachatryan, Natalia Kharchenko, Toko Kiyonari, Michal Kohút, Lisa M. Leslie, Yang Li, Norman P. Li, Zhuo Li, Kadi Liik, Angela T. Maitner, Bernardo Manhique, Harry Manley, Imed Medhioub, Sari Mentser, Pegah Nejat, Orlando Nipassa, Ravit Nussinson, Nneoma G. Onyedire, Ike E. Onyishi, Penny Panagiotopoulou, Lorena R. Perez-Floriano, Minna Persson, Anna-Maija Pirttilä-Backman, Marianna Pogosyan, Jana Raver, Ricardo Borges Rodrigues, Sara Romanò, Pedro P. Romero, Inari Sakki, Alvaro San Martin, Sara Sherbaji, Hiroshi Shimizu, Brent Simpson, Erna Szabo, Kosuke Takemura, Maria Luisa Mendes Teixeira, Napoj Thanomkul, Habib Tiliouine, Giovanni A. Travaglino, Yannis Tsirbas, Sita Widodo, Rizqy Zein, Lina Zirganou-Kazolea, Kimmo Eriksson (2024) Anger and disgust shape judgments of social sanctions across cultures, especially in high individual autonomy societies Scientific Reports 14, PDF-file Link to article
Saulin, Anne, Chih-Chung Ting, Jan B. Engelmann, Grit Hein (2024) Connected in bad times and in good times: Empathy induces stable social closeness The Journal of Neuroscience 44, PDF-file Link to article
Schram, Arthur, and Aljaž Ule (2024) Regulatory Independence may Limit Electoral Holdup but Entrench Capture Public Choice PDF-file Link to article
Sonnemans, Joep (2024) Does reporting beliefs change beliefs? Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 109, 102174 Link to article
Weber, Matthias, John Duffy, and Arthur Schram (2024) Regulation and the Demand for Credit Default Swaps in Experimental Bond Markets European Economic Review 165, PDF-file online appendices Link to article


Amasino, Dianna, Davide Pace, Joel van der Weele (2023) Self-serving bias in redistribution choices: Accounting for beliefs and norms Journal of Economic Psychology 98, 102654 PDF-file Link to article
Chang, Li-Ang, Konstantinos Armaos, Lotte Warns, Ava Q. Ma de Sousa, Femke Paauwe, Christin Scholz, Jan B. Engelmann (2023) Mentalizing in economic games is associated with enhanced activation and connectivity in left temporoparietal junction Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience PDF-file Link to article
Enke, Benjamin, Uri Gneezy, Brian Hall, David Martin, Vadim Nelidov, Theo Offerman and Jeroen van de Ven (2023) Cognitive Biases: Mistakes or Missing Stakes? Review of Economics and Statistics 105, PDF-file Link to article
Gneezy, Uri, Vadim Nelidov, Theo Offerman and Jeroen van de Ven (2023) When Opportunities Backfire: Alternatives Reduce Perseverance and Success in Task Completion Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 208, Link to article
Gylfason, Haukur, Vaka Vésteinsdóttir, Kari Kristinsson, Tinna Laufey Asgeirsdottir, and Arthur Schram (2023) Gender differences in lying: The role of stakes Economics Letters 222, 110926 PDF-file Link to article
Hirmas, Alejandro, Jan B. Engelmann (2023) Impulsiveness moderates the effects of exogenous attention on the sensitivity to gains and losses in risky lotteries Journal of Economic Psychology PDF-file Link to article
Hoven, Monja, Alejandro Hirmas, Jan B. Engelmann, Ruth J. van Holst (2023) Confidence and risky-decision making in gambling disorde Journal of Behavioral Addictions PDF-file Link to article
Huber, Christoph, Anna Dreber, Jürgen Huber, Magnus Johannesson, Michael Kirchler, Utz Weitzel, Miguel Abellán, Xeniya Adayeva, Fehime Ceren Ay, Kai Barron, Zachariah Berry, Werner Bönte, Katharina Brütt, Muhammed Bulutay, Pol Campos-Mercade, Eric Cardella, Maria Almudena Claassen, Gert Cornelissen, Ian G. J. Dawson, Joyce Delnoij, Elif E. Demiral, Eugen Dimant, Johannes Theodor Doerflinger, Malte Dold, Cécile Emery, Lenka Fiala, Susann Fiedler, Eleonora Freddi, Tilman Fries, Ulrich Glogowsky, Paul M. Gorny, Jeremy David Gretton, Antonia Grohmann, Sebastian Hafenbrädl, Michel Handgraaf, Yaniv Hanoch, Einav Hart, Max Hennig, Stanton Hudja, Mandy Hütter, Kyle Hyndman, Konstantinos Ioannidis, Ozan Isler, Sabrina Jeworrek, Daniel Jolles, Marie Juanchich, Raghabendra Pratap KC, Menusch Khadjavi, Tamar Kugler, Shuwen Li, Brian Lucas, Vincent Mak, Mario Mechtel, Christoph Merkle, Ethan Andrew Meyers, Johanna Mollerstrom, Alexander Nesterov, Levent Neyse, Petra Nieken, Anne-Marie Nussberger, Helena Palumbo, Kim Peters, Angelo Pirrone, Xiangdong Qin, Rima Maria Rahal, Holger Rau, Johannes Rincke, Piero Ronzani, Yefim Roth, Ali Seyhun Saral, Jan Schmitz, Florian Schneider, Arthur Schram, Simeon Schudy, Maurice E. Schweitzer, Christiane Schwieren, Irene Scopelliti, Miroslav Sirota, Joep Sonnemans, Ivan Soraperra, Lisa Spantig, Ivo Steimanis, Janina Steinmetz, Sigrid Suetens, Andriana Theodoropoulou, Diemo Urbig, Tobias Vorlaufer, Joschka Waibel, Daniel Woods, Ofir Yakobi, Onurcan Yilmaz, Tomasz Zaleskiewicz, Stefan Zeisberger, Felix Holzmeister (2023) Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs PNAS 120, No. 23 e2215572120 Link to article
Ioannidis, Konstantinos (2023) Anchoring on valuations and perceived informativeness Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 106, PDF-file Link to article
Klarita Gërxhani, Jordi Brandts, and Arthur Schram (2023) Competition and Gender Inequality: A comprehensive analysis of effects and mechanisms American Journal of Sociology 123, 715-752 PDF-file appendices Link to article
Linde,Jona, Daniel Gietl, Joep Sonnemans and Jan Tuinstra (2023) The effect of quantity and quality of information in strategy tournaments Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 211, 305-323 Link to article
Soraperra, Ivan, Joel van der Weele, Marie Claire Villeval and Shaul Shalvi (2023) The social construction of ignorance: Experimental Evidence Games and Economic Behavior 138, 197-213 PDF-file Link to article
Soraperra, Ivan, Nils Köbis, Charles Efferson, Shaul Shalvi, Sonja Vogt and Theo Offerman (2023) A market for integrity An experiment on corruption in the education sector Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 107, PDF-file Link to article
Ting, Chih-Chung, Nahuel Salem-Garcia, Stefano Palminteri, Jan B. Engelmann and Maël Lebreton (2023) Neural and computational underpinnings of biased confidence in human reinforcement learning Nature Communications 14, PDF-file Link to article
Zheng, Jin Di, Arthur Schram, and Tianle Song (2023) Social Status and Prosocial Behavior Experimental Economics 26, 1085–1114 PDF-file Link to article
van Winden, Frans (2023) The Informational Affective Tie Mechanism: On the Role of Uncertainty, Context, and Attention in Caring Journal of Economic Psychology 97, PDF-file Link to article


Fischbacher, Urs, Jan Hausfeld and Baiba Renerte (2022) Strategic incentives undermine gaze as a signal of prosocial motives Games and Economic Behavior 136, PDF-file Link to article
Franzen, Nora, Andreas Ziegler, Giorgia Romagnoli, Valesca Retel, Theo Offerman and Wim van Harten (2022) Affordable Prices Without Threatening the Oncological R&D Pipeline - An Economic Experiment on Transparency in Price Negotiations Cancer Research Communications 2, Link to article
Franzen, Nora, Giorgia Romagnoli, Andreas Ziegler, Valesca Retel, Theo Offerman and Wim van Harten (2022) Improving the Affordability of Anticancer Medicines Demands Evidence-Based Policy Solutions Cancer Discovery 12, PDF-file Link to article
Hoven, Monja, Alejandro Hirmas, Jan B. Engelmann and Ruth van Holst (2022) The role of attention in decision-making under risk in gambling disorder. An eye-tracking study Addictive Behaviors 138, Link to article
Ioannidis, Konstantinos, Offerman, Theo and Sloof, Randolph (2022) Lie detection: A strategic analysis of the Verifiability Approach American Law and Economics Review PDF-file
Jaeger, Bastian, Bastiaan Oud, Tony Williams, Eva Krumhuber, Ernst Fehr, Jan B. Engelmann (2022) Can people detect the trustworthiness of strangers based on their facial appearance? Evolution and Human Behavior PDF-file Link to article
Leeuwen, Boris van, Theo Offerman and Jeroen van de Ven (2022) Fight or Flight: Endogenous Timing in Conflicts Review of Economics and Statistics 104, PDF-file Link to article
Margarita Leib, Karin Kee, David D Loschelder and Marieke Roskes (2022) Perspective taking does not moderate the price precision effect, but indirectly affects counteroffers to asking prices Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 101, PDF-file Link to article
Margarita Leib, Nils Köbis, Ivan Soraperra, Ori Weisel, and Shaul Shalvi (2022) Collaborative dishonesty: A meta-analytic review. Psychological Bulletin 147, PDF-file Link to article
Margarita Leib, Nils Köbis, Ivan Soraperra, Ori Weisel, and Shaul Shalvi (2022) Collaborative dishonesty: A meta-analytic review Psychological Bulletin 147, PDF-file Link to article
Offerman, Theo, Giorgia Romagnoli and Andreas Ziegler (2022) Why are open ascending auctions popular? The role of information aggregation and behavioral biases Quantitative Economics 13, PDF-file Link to article
Schram. Arthur, Jin Di Zheng, and Tatyama Zhuravleva (2022) Corruption: a Cross-Country Comparison of Contagion and Conformism Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 193, 497-518 PDF-file Link to article
Schwardmann, Peter, Egon Tripodi and Joël van der Weele (2022) Self-Persuasion: Evidence from Field Experiments at International Debating Competitions American Economic Review 112, 1118-46 PDF-file Link to article
Shalvi, Shaul, Jantsje M. Mol, Catherine Molho, Linh Vu, Margarita Leib, Ivan Soraperra (2022) Psychological Science for a Responsible Sharing Economy Current Opinion in Psychology 44, PDF-file Link to article
Shevlin, Blair, Stephanie M Smith, Jan Hausfeld and Ian Krajbich (2022) High-value decisions are fast and accurate, inconsistent with diminishing value sensitivity Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, PDF-file Link to article
Studler, Mirjam, Lorena R.R. Gianotti, Katharina Koch, Jan Hausfeld, Leila Tarokh, Angelina Maric, Daria Knoch (2022) Local slow-wave activity over the right prefrontal cortex reveals individual risk preferences NeuroImage 253, PDF-file Link to article
de Jong, Johan, Joep Sonnemans and Jan Tuinstra (2022) The effect of futures markets on the stability of commodity prices Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 198, 176-211 Link to article
de Jong, Johan, Joep Sonnemans and Jan Tuinstra (2022) Using results from Learning to Forecast laboratory experiments to predict the effect of futures markets on spot market stability Sascha Füllbrunn and Ernan Haruvy (eds) HANDBOOK OF EXPERIMENTAL FINANCE Edward Elgar Publishing PDF-file


Baumgartner, Thomas, Jan Hausfeld, Miguel dos Santos and Daria Knoch (2021) Who initiates punishment, who joins punishment?Disentangling types of third-party punishers by neural traits Human Brain Mapping 42, PDF-file
De Dreu, Carsten K.W., Ruthie Pliskin,Michael Rojek-Giffin, Zsombor Meder and Joerg Gross (2021) Political games of attack and defence Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Biology 376, 20200135 PDF-file Link to article
Eriksson, Kimmo, Pontus Strimling, et al. (2021) Perceptions of the appropriate response to norm violation in 57 societies Nature Communications 12, PDF-file Link to article
Foerster, Manuel and Joël J. van der Weele (2021) Casting Doubt: Image Concerns and the Communication of Social Impact Economic Journal 131, 2887-2919 PDF-file Link to article
Hommes, Cars, Anita Kopányi-Peuker and Joep Sonnemans (2021) Bubbles, crashes and information contagion in large-group asset market experiments Experimental Economics 24, 414-433 Link to article
Koch, Katharina, Lorena Gianotti, Jan Hausfeld, Mirjam Studler and Daria Knoch (2021) Different Behavioral Types of Distributional Preferences Are Characterized by Distinct Neural Signatures Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 33, PDF-file
Kujansuu, Essi, and Arthur Schram (2021) Shocking Gift Exchange Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 188, 788-810 PDF-file Link to article
Leib, Margarita, Nils Köbis, Marc Francke, Shaul Shalvi and Marieke Roskes (2021) Precision in a Seller’s Market: Round Asking Prices Lead to Higher Counteroffers and Selling Prices Management Science 67, 11048-1055 PDF-file Link to article
Sarsons, Heather, Klarita Gërxhani, Ernesto Reuben, and Arthur Schram (2021) Gender Differences in Recognition for Group Work Journal of Political Economy 129, 101-147 PDF-file Link to article
Sun, Junze, Arthur Schram, and Randolph Sloof (2021) Elections under Biased Candidate Endorsements—An Experimental Study Games and Economic Behavior 125, 141-158 PDF-file Online Appendix Link to article
Van Dijk, Eric and Carsten K.W. De Dreu (2021) Experimental Games and Social Decision-Making Annual Review of Psychology 72, 415-438 PDF-file Link to article
Zheng, Jin Di , Arthur Schram, Gönül Dogan (2021) Friend or Foe? Social Ties in Bribery and Corruption Experimental Economics 24, 854-882. PDF-file Online_first Link to article
de Dreu, Carsten, Klarita Gërxhani, and Arthur Schram (2021) Anticipating Peer Ranking Causes Hormonal Adaptations that Benefit Cognitive Performance American Behavioral Scientist 65, 1497-1511 PDF-file Link to article


Brütt, Katharina, Arthur Schram and Joep Sonnemans (2020) Endogenous group formation and responsibility diffusion: An experimental study. Games and Economic Behavior 121, 1-31 Link to article
Buser, Thomas, Gianluca Grimalda, Louis Putterman and Joël van der Weele (2020) Overconfidence and gender gaps in redistributive preferences: Cross-Country experimental evidence Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 178, 167-186 PDF-file Link to article
Charness, Gary, Thomas Garcia, Theo Offerman and Marie Claire Villeval (2020) Do measures of risk attitude in the laboratory predict behavior under risk in and outside of the laboratory? Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 60, 99-123 PDF-file Link to article
Haushofer, Johannes, Charlotte Ringdal, Jeremy Shapiro and Xiao Yu Wang (2020) Spousal Disagreement in Reporting of Intimate Partner Violence in Kenya AEA PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS 110, 620-624 Link to article
Ioannidis, Konstantinos, Theo Offerman and Randolph Sloof (2020) On the effect of anchoring on valuations when the anchor is transparently uninformative Journal of the Economics Science Association 6, 77-94 PDF-file Link to article
Jordi Brandts, Klarita Gërxhani, and Arthur Schram (2020) Are there Gender Differences in Status-Ranking Aversion? Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 84, PDF-file Link to article
Smerdon, David, Theo Offerman and Uri Gneezy (2020) ‘Everybody’s Doing It’: On the Persistence of Bad Social Norms Experimental Economics 23, 392-420 PDF-file Link to article
Stamatis, Caitlin A., Jan B. Engelmann, Christiane Ziegler, Katharina Domschke, Gregor Hasler & Kiara R. Timpano (2020) A neuroeconomic investigation of 5-HTT/5-HT1A gene variation, social anxiety, and risk-taking behavior Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 1-17 PDF-file Link to article
Ting, Chih-Chung , Stefano Palminteri, Maël Lebreton & Jan B. Engelmann (2020) The elusive effects of incidental anxiety on reinforcement- learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition PDF-file Link to article
Ting, Chih-Chung, Stefano Palminteri, Jan B. Engelmann, Mael Lebreton (2020) Robust valence-induced biases on motor response and confidence in human reinforcement learning Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience PDF-file Link to article
Van der Weele, Joël and Ferdinand von Siemens (2020) Bracelets of pride and guilt? An experimental test of self-signalingBracelets of pride and guilt? An experimental test of self-signaling Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 172, 280-291 PDF-file Link to article
van Leeuwen, Boris, Theo Offerman and Arthur Schram (2020) Competition for status creates superstars: An experiment on public good provision and network formation Journal of the European Economic Association 18, 666-707 PDF-file Link to article


Arango-Aramburo, Santiago, Yuliana Acevedo and Joep Sonnemans (2019) The influence of the strength of financial institutions and the investment-production delay on commodity price cycles: a framed field experiment with coffee farmers in Colombia De Economist 167, 347-358 Link to article
De Dreu, Carsten and Jorg Gross (2019) Revisiting the form and function of conflict: Neurobiological, psychological, and cultural mechanisms for attack and defense within and between groups Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42, 1-66 PDF-file Link to article
Engelmann, Jan B., Basil Schmid, Carsten. K. W. De Dreu, Justin Chumbley, Ernst Fehr (2019) On the psychology and economics of antisocial personality Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA PDF-file
Engelmann, Jan B., Friederike Meyer, Christian C. Ruff, Ernst Fehr (2019) The neural circuitry of affect-induced distortions of trust Science Advances PDF-file Link to article
Gordon-Hecker, Tom, Andrea Pittarello, Shaul Shalvi and Marieke Roskes (2019) Buy-one-get-one-free deals attract more attention than percentage deals Journal of Business Research PDF-file Link to article
Gross, Jorg and De Dreu, Carsten (2019) The rise and fall of cooperation through reputation and group polarization Nature Communications 10, PDF-file Link to article
Gross, Jorg, and De Dreu, Carsten (2019) Individual solutions to shared problems create a modern tragedy of the commons Science Advances 5, PDF-file
He, Simin, Theo Offerman and Jeroen van de Ven (2019) The Power and Limits of Sequential Communication in Coordination Games Journal of Economic Theory 181, 238-273 PDF-file Link to article
Hoven, Monja, Maël Lebreton, Jan B. Engelmann, Damiaan Denys, Judy Luigjes and Ruth J. van Holst (2019) Abnormalities of confidence in psychiatry: an overview and future perspectives Translational Psychiatry 9, 268 PDF-file
Lebreton, Mael, Karin Bacily, Stefano Palminteri, Jan B. Engelmann (2019) Contextual influence on confidence judgments in human reinforcement learning PLoS Computational Biology 15, PDF-file Link to article
Leib, Margarita; Moran, Simone; Shalvi, Shaul (2019) Dishonest helping and harming after (un)fair treatment Judgment and Decision Making 14, 423–439 PDF-file
Leib, Margarita; Pittarello, Andrea; Gordon-Hecker, Tom; Shalvi, Shaul; Roskes Marieke (2019) Loss framing increases self-serving mistakes (but does not alter attention) Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 85, Link to article
Mazyaki, Ali and Joël J. van der Weele (2019) On Esteem-based Incentives International Review of Law and Economics 60, 105848 PDF-file Link to article
Paul Gortner and Joël van der Weele (2019) Peer Effects and Risk Sharing in Experimental Asset Markets European Economic Review 116, 129-147 PDF-file Link to article
Schram, Arthur and Aljaž Ule (2019) Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Experimental Economics PDF-file Link to book
Schram, Arthur, Jordi Brandts and Klarita Gerxhani (2019) Social-Status Ranking: A Hidden Channel to Gender Inequality under Competition Experimental Economics 22, 396-418 PDF-file Online Appendices Link to article
Schwardmann , Peter and Joël van der Weele (2019) Deception and Self-deception Nature Human Behavior 3, 1055-1061 PDF-file Link to article
Zhang, Hejing , Gross, Jorg, De Dreu, Carsten, and Ma, Yina (2019) Oxytocin promotes coordinated out-group attack during intergroup conflict in humans PDF-file
van Leeuwen, Boris, Abhijit Ramalingam, David Rojo Arjona and Arthur Schram (2019) Centrality and Cooperation in Networks Experimental Economics 22, 178-196 PDF-file Link to article
van WellI, Sonja, John P. O’Doherty and Frans van Winden (2019) Relief from incidental fear evokes exuberant risk taking PLoS ONE 14, Link to article


Brebner, Sarah and Joep Sonnemans (2018) Does the elicitation method impact the WTA/WTP disparity? Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 73, 40-45 PDF-file Link to article
Buser, Thomas, Leonie Gerhards and Joel van der Weele (2018) Measuring Responsiveness to Feedback as Personal Trait Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 56, 165-192 PDF-file
Garcia, Julián and Matthijs van Veelen. (2018) No strategy can win in the repeated prisoner’s dilemma: linking game theory and computer simulations. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 5, 102 Link to article
Grit Hein, Jan B. Engelmann, Phillipe N. Topper (2018) Pain relief provided by an outgroup member enhances analgesia Proceedings of the Royal Society B PDF-file Link to article
Gross, Jorg, Margarita Leib, Theo Offerman and Shaul Shalvi (2018) Ethical Free Riding: When Honest People Find Dishonest Partners Psychological Science Link to article
Hu, Audrey, Theo Offerman and Liang Zou (2018) How Risk Sharing May Enhance Efficiency in English Auctions Economic Journal 128, 1235-1256 PDF-file Link to article
Ikink, Iris, Jan B Engelmann, Wouter van den Bos, Karin Roelofs, Bernd Figner (2018) Time ambiguity during intertemporal decision-making is aversive, impacting choice and neural value coding NeuroImage PDF-file Link to article
Jagau, Stephan and Theo Offerman (2018) Defaults, normative anchors and the occurrence of risky and cautious shifts Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 56, 211-236 PDF-file Link to article
Kopányi-Peuker, Anita, Theo Offerman and Randolph Sloof (2018) Team production benefits from a permanent fear of exclusion European Economic Review 103, 125-149 PDF-file Link to article
Prochazkova, Eliska, Prochazkova, Luisa, Giffin, Michael Rojek, Scholte, H. Steven, De Dreu, Carsten, and Kret, Mariska (2018) Pupil mimicry promotes trust through the theory-of-mind network Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, PDF-file Link to article
Sadiraj, Klarita and Arthur Schram (2018) Inside Information in Ponzi Schemes Journal of the Economic Science Association 4, 29-45 PDF-file Link to article
Sonnemans, Joep, Frans van Dijk, Bart Donders and Eddy Bauw (2018) An Economic Approach on Countering the Misuse of the Right to Challenge Judges: an experiment European Journal of Law and Economics 45, 29-57 Link to article
Veldhuizen, Roel van and Joep Sonnemans (2018) Nonrenewable Resources, Strategic Behavior and the Hotelling Rule: An Experiment Journal of Industrial Economics 66, 481-516 Link to article
Weber, Matthias, John Duffy, and Arthur Schram (2018) An Experimental Study of Bond Market Pricing Journal of Finance 73, 1857-1892 PDF-file Link to article
van Leeuwen, Boris, Charles Noussair, Theo Offerman, Sigrid Suetens, Matthijs van Veelen and Jeroen van de Ven (2018) Predictably Angry: Facial cues provide a credible signal of destructive behavior Management Science 64, 2973-3468 PDF-file Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs (2018) Fisher’s fundamental theorem of natural selection, dynamic sufficiency, and the necessity of higher moments Journal of Theoretical Biology 437, 299-304 Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs (2018) Can Hamilton's rule be violated? eLife 7, e41901 Link to article
van Veldhuizen, Roel, Hessel Oosterbeek and Joep Sonnemans (2018) Peers at work: Evidence from the lab PLOS one 13, Link to article


Abbink, Klaus, Ronald Bosman, Ronald Heijmans and Frans van Winden (2017) Disruptions in large value payment systems: An experimental approach International Journal of Central Banking 13, 63-95 PDF-file
Bardsley, Nicholas and Aljaz Ule (2017) Focal Points Revisited: Team Reasoning, the Principle of Insufficient Reason and Cognitive Hierarchy Theory Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 133, 74-86 PDF-file Link to article
Bosman, Ronald, Heike Hennig-Schmidt and Frans van Winden (2017) Emotion at Stake; The role of stake size and emotions in a power-to-take game experiment in China with a comparison to Europe Games 8, PDF-file Link to article
Drouvelis, Michalis and Joep Sonnemans (2017) The Endowment Effect in Games European Economic Review 94, 240-262 Link to article
Engelmann, J.B., Berns, G.S., Dunlop, B.W. (2017) Hyper-responsivity to losses in the anterior insula during economic choice scales with depression severity. Psychological Medicine 1-13 PDF-file Link to article
Grossman, Zachary and Joel J. van der Weele (2017) Dual Process Reasoning and Charitable Giving: Learning from Non-results Games 8, 36-49 PDF-file Link to article
Grossman, Zachary and Joël J. van der Weele (2017) Self-image and willful ignorance in social decisions Journal of the European Economic Association 15, 173-217 PDF-file Link to article
He, Simin, Theo Offerman and Jeroen van de Ven (2017) The Sources of the Communication Gap Management Science 63, 2833-2846 Link to article
Jagau, Stephan and Matthijs van Veelen (2017) A general evolutionary framework for the role of intuition and deliberation in cooperation Nature Human Behaviour 1, 0152 (2017) Link to article
Kopányi-Peuker, Anita, Theo Offerman and Randolph Sloof (2017) Fostering cooperation through the enhancement of own vulnerability Games and Economic Behavior 101, 273-290 Link to article
Lacomba, Juan A., Francisco Lagos, Ernesto Reuben and Frans van Winden (2017) Decisiveness, Peace, and Inequality in Games of Conflict Journal of Economic Psychology 63, 216-229 Link to article
Loerakker, Ben, and Frans van Winden (2017) Emotional Leadership in an Intergroup Conflict Game Experiment Journal of Economic Psychology 63, 143-167 Link to article
Mulckhuyse, M, Engelmann, JB, Schutter, DJLG, Roelofs, K (2017) Right Posterior Parietal Cortex is involved in disengaging from threat: a 1 Hz rTMS study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience PDF-file Link to article
Robalo, Pedro, Arthur Schram and Joep Sonnemans (2017) Other-regarding Preferences, In-Group Bias and Political Participation: an experiment Journal of Economic Psychology 62, 130-154 Link to article
Soraperra, Ivan, Ori Weise, Ro'i Zultan, Sys Kochavi, Margarita Leib, Hadar Shalev and Shaul Shalvi (2017) The bad consequences of teamwork Economics Letters PDF-file Link to article
Weber, Matthias and Arthur Schram (2017) The Non-Equivalence of Labor Market Taxes: A Real-Effort Experiment The Economic Journal 127, 2187-2215 PDF-file WP-version Link to article
de Haan, Thomas, Theo Offerman and Randolph Sloof (2017) Discrimination in the Labor Market: the Curse of Competition between Workers Economic Journal 127, 1433-1466 Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs, Benjamin Allen, Moshe Hoffman, Burton Simon and Carl Veller (2017) Hamilton's rule Journal of Theoretical Biology 414, 176–230 Link to article


Bault, Nadege, Johannes Fahrenfort, Benjamin Pelloux, Richard Ridderinkhof and Frans van Winden (2016) An Affective Social Tie Mechanism: Theory, Evidence, and Implications Journal of Economic Psychology 61, 152-175 Link to article
De Dreu, Carsten K.W., & Kret, Mariska E. (2016) Oxytocin Conditions Intergroup Relations Through Upregulated In-Group Empathy, Cooperation, Conformity, and Defense Biological Psychiatry 165, PDF-file Link to article
Engelmann, Jan B. and Fehr, Ernst (2016) The slippery slope of dishonesty Nature Neuroscience 19, 1543-1544 PDF-file
García, Julián and Matthijs van Veelen (2016) In and out of equilibrium I: Evolution of strategies in repeated games with discounting Journal of Economic Theory 161, 161-189 PDF-file Link to article
Gomez-Martinez, Francisco, Sander Onderstal, and Joep Sonnemans (2016) Firm-specific information and explicit collusion in experimental oligopolies European Economic Review 82, 132-141 Link to article
Nosenzo, Daniele, Theo Offerman, Martin Sefton and Ailko van der Veen (2016) Discretionary Sanctions and Rewards in the Repeated Inspection Game Management Science 62, 502-517 Link to article
Offerman, Theo and Asa Palley (2016) Lossed in Translation: An Off-the-Shelf Method to Recover Probabilistic Beliefs from Loss-Averse Agents Experimental Economics 19, 1-30 Link to article
Schram, Arthur (2016) Gordon Tullock and Experimental Public Choice Constitutional Political Economy 27, PDF-file Link to article
Swakman, Violet, Lucas Molleman, Aljaž Ule and Martijn Egas (2016) Reputation-based cooperation: empirical evidence for behavioral strategies Evolution and Human Behavior 37, 230-235 Link to article
Yang Yang, Sander Onderstal, and Arthur Schram (2016) Inequity Aversion Revisited Journal of Economic Psychology 54, PDF-file Link to article
de Groot Ruiz, Adrian, Roald Ramer and Arthur Schram (2016) Formal versus Informal Legislative Bargaining Games and Economic Behavior 96, PDF-file ; appendix Link to article
van Apeldoorn, Jacobien and Arthur Schram (2016) Indirect Reciprocity: A Field Experiment PLoSONE 11, Link to article


Reuben,Ernesto, Christian Traxler, and Frans van Winden (2015) Advocacy and Political Convergence under Preference Uncertainty European Economic Review 79, 16-36 Link to article
Bault, Nadège, Benjamin Pelloux, Johannes J. Fahrenfort, K. Richard Ridderinkhof and Frans van Winden (2015) Neural dynamics of social tie formation in economic decision-making Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 10, 877-884 Link to article
De Dreu, Carsten K.W. , H. Steven Scholte, Frans A.A.M. van Winden, and K. Richard Ridderinkhof (2015) Oxytocin Tempers Calculated Greed but not Impulsive Defense in Predator-Prey Contests Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 10, 721-728 Link to article
De Groot Ruiz, Adrian, Theo Offerman and Sander Onderstal (2015) Equilibrium Selection in Experimental Cheap Talk Games Games and Economic Behavior 91, 14-25 PDF-file Extended version
Hu, Audrey and Liang Zoub, (2015) Sequential auctions, price trends, and risk preferences Journal of Economic Theory 158, 319–335 Link to article
Kurz, Sascha, Nicola Maaser, Stefan Napel and Matthias Weber (2015) Mostly Sunny: A Forecast of Tomorrow's Power Index Research Homo Oeconomicus 32, 32(1):133–146 PDF-file
Linde, Jona and Joep Sonnemans (2015) Decisions under risk in a social and individual context: The limits of social preferences? Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 56, 62-71 Link to article
Offerman, Theo and Ailko van der Veen (2015) How to subsidize contributions to public goods - Does the frog jump out of the boiling water? European Economic Review 74, 98-108 Link to article
Schlag, Karl H., James Tremewan and Joël J. van der Weele (2015) A Penny for Your Thoughts: A Survey of Methods for Eliciting Beliefs Experimental Economics 18, 457-490 PDF-file Link to article
Schlag, Karl and Joël van der Weele (2015) A method to elicit beliefs as most likely intervals Judgment and Decision Making 10, 456-468 PDF-file Link to article
Schram, Arthur and Gary Charness (2015) Social and Moral Norms in the Laboratory Management Science 61, 1531 - 1546. PDF-file Link to article
Schram,Arthur, Vincent Buskens, Klarita Gerxhani, Jens Großer (2015) Experimental Game Theory and Its Application in Sociology and Political Science PDF-file Link to article
de Haan, Thomas, Theo Offerman and Randolph Sloof (2015) Money talks? An experimental investigation of cheap talk and burned money International Economic Review 56, 1385-1426 PDF-file
van Winden, Frans (2015) Political economy with affect: On the role of emotions and relationships in political economics European Journal of Political Economy 40, 298-311 Link to article


Balliet, Daniel, Wu, Junhui, and De Dreu, Carsten K.W. (2014) In-group favoritism in cooperation: A Meta-analysis Psychological Bulletin PDF-file Link to article
Brandts, Jordi, Stanley Reynolds and Arthur Schram (2014) Pivotal Suppliers and Market Power in Experimental Supply Function Competition Economic Journal 124, 887-916 PDF-file Link to article
Brunner, Christoph, Audrey Hu and Jörg Oechssler (2014) Premium auctions and risk preferences: An experimental study Games and Economic Behavior 87, 467–484 Link to article
De Groot Ruiz, Adrian, Theo Offerman and Sander Onderstal (2014) An Experimental Study of Credible Deviations and ACDC Experimental Economics 17, 173-199 PDF-file Extended version
Durante, Ruben, Louis Putterman, and Joël J. van der Weele (2014) Preferences for Redistribution and Perception of Fairness: an Experimental Study Journal of European Economic Association 12, 1059-1086 PDF-file Link to article
García, Julián, Matthijs van Veelen and Arne Traulsen (2014) Evil green beards: Tag recognition can also be used to withhold cooperation in structured population Journal of Theoretical Biology 360, 181-186 Link to article
Gneezy, Ayelet, Uri Gneezy, and Dominique Olié Lauga (2014) A Reference-Dependent Model of the Price– Quality Heuristic Journal of Marketing Research 51, 153–164 Link to article
Gneezy, Uri and Alex Imas (2014) Materazzi effect and the strategic use of anger in competitive interactions PNAS 111, 1334–1337 Link to article
Gneezy,Uri, Elizabeth A. Keenan and Ayelet Gneezy1 (2014) Avoiding overhead aversion in charity Science 346, 632-635 Link to article
Hoyer, Maximilian, Nadege Bault, Ben Loerakker and Frans van Winden (2014) Destructive Behavior in a Fragile Public Good Game Economics Letters 123, 295-299 PDF-file Link to article
Kocher, Martin, Michal Krawczyk and Frans van Winden (2014) Let me dream on! Anticipatory emotions and preference for timing lotteries Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 98, 29-40 Link to article
Lacomba, Juan A. , Francisco Lagos, Ernesto Reuben and Frans van Winden (2014) On the escalation and de-escalation of conflict Games and Economic Behavior 86, 40-57 Link to article
Linde, Jona, Joep Sonnemans and Jan Tuinstra (2014) Strategies and Evolution in the Minority Game: A Multi-Round Strategy Experiment Games and Economic Behavior 86, 77–95 Link to article
Nosenzo, Daniele, Theo Offerman, Martin Sefton and Ailko van der Veen (2014) Encouraging Compliance: Bonuses versus Fines in Inspection Games Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 30, 632-648 PDF-file
Shalvi, Shaul, and De Dreu, Carsten K.W. (2014) Oxytocin boosts group-serving dishonesty Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA PDF-file Link to article
Uri Gneezy, Alex Imas and Kristóf Madarász (2014) Conscience Accounting: Emotion Dynamics and Social Behavior Management Science 60, 2645 - 2658 Link to article
Van der Weele, Joël J., Julija Kulisa, Michael Kosfeld and Guido Friebel (2014) Resisting Moral Wiggle Room: How Robust is Reciprocal Behavior? American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 6, 256-64 PDF-file Link to article
van Dijk, Frans, Joep Sonnemans and Ed Bauw (2014) Judicial error by groups and individuals Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 108, 224-235 Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs, Shishi Luo and Burton Simon (2014) A simple model of group selection that cannot be analyzed with inclusive fitness Journal of Theoretical Biology 360, 279-289 Link to article


Charness, Gary, Uri Gneezy and Alex Imas (2013) Experimental methods: Eliciting risk preferences Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 87, 43-51 Link to article
Leibbrandt, Andreas, Uri Gneezy and John A. List (2013) Rise and fall of competitiveness in individualistic and collectivistic societies PNAS 110, 9305–9308 Link to article
Bertrand, Robert, Arthur Schram and Eddy Vaassen (2013) Understanding Contract Audits: An Experimental Approach Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory 32, 1-31 PDF-file Link to article
Bosman, Ronald, Philip Maier, Vjollca Sadiraj and Frans van Winden (2013) Let Me Vote! An experimental study of the effects of vote rotation in committees. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 96, 32-47 Link to article
Charness, Gary, Uri Gneezy and Michael A. Kuhn (2013) Experimental methods: Extra-laboratory experiments-extending the reach of experimental economics Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 91, 93–100 Link to article
Doğan, Gönül, Marcel van Assen, Jan Potters (2013) The Effect of Link Costs on Simple Buyer-Seller Networks Games and Economic Behavior 77, Link to article
Gerxhani, Klara, Jordi Brandts and Arthur Schram (2013) The Emergence of Social Structure: Employer Information Networks in an Experimental Labor Market Social Networks 35, 541-560 PDF-file Link to article
Gneezy, Uri, Bettina Rockenbach and Marta Serra-Garciac (2013) Measuring lying aversion Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 93, 293-300 Link to article
Goeree, Jacob K., Theo Offerman, and Randolph Sloof (2013) Demand Reduction and Preemptive Bidding in License Auctions Experimental Economics 16, 52-87 PDF-file
Maximiano, Sandra, Randolph Sloof and Joep Sonnemans, (2013) Gift exchange and the separation of ownership and control. Games and Economic Behavior 77, 41-60 Link to article
Onderstal, Sander, Arthur J.H.C. Schram, and Adriaan R. Soetevent (2013) Bidding to Give in the Field: Door-to-Door Fundraisers Had it Right from the Start Journal of Public Economics 105, 72-85 PDF-file Link to article
Tyszler, Marcelo and Arthur Schram (2013) Strategic Voting in Heterogeneous Electorates: An Experimental Study Games 4, 624-647 PDF-file
Wu, Bin, Chaitanya S. Gokhale, Matthijs van Veelen, Long Wang and Arne Traulsen (2013) Interpretations arising from Wrightian and Malthusian fitness under strong frequency dependent selection Ecology and Evolution 3, 1276–1280, Link to article


Bao, Te, Cars Hommes, Joep Sonnemans and Jan Tuinstra (2012) Individual Expectations, Limited Rationality and Aggregate Outcomes Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 36, 1101-1120 Link to article
Fahrenfort, Johannes, Frans van Winden, Benjamin Pelloux, Mirre Stallen and Richard Ridderinkhof (2012) Neural Correlates of Dynamically Evolving Interpersonal Ties Predict Prosocial Behavior Frontiers in Neuroscience 6, 1-14 Link to article
Fershtman, Chaim, Uri Gneezy, and John A. List (2012) Equity Aversion: Social Norms and the Desire to Be Ahead. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 4, 131-144 Link to article
Gneezya,Ayelet, Uri Gneezy, Gerhard Riener, and Leif D. Nelsone (2012) Pay-what-you-want, identity, and self-signaling in markets PNAS 109, 7236–7240 Link to article
Heemeijer, Peter, Cars Hommes, Joep Sonnemans and Jan Tuinstra (2012) An experimental study on expectations and learning in overlapping generations models Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 16, Link to article
Linde, Jona and Joep Sonnemans (2012) Social Comparison and Risky Choices Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 44, 45-72 Link to article
Riedl, Arno and Frans van Winden (2012) Input versus Output Taxation in an Experimental International Economy. European Economic Review 56, 216-232 Link to article
Sonnemans, Joep and Frans van Dijk (2012) Errors in judicial decisions: experimental evidence Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 28, 687-716 Appendix Link to article
Vyrastekova, Jana, Sander Onderstal, and Pierre Koning (2012) Self-selection and the power of incentive schemes: An experimental study Applied Economics 44, 4211–4219 PDF-file Link to article
Winden, Frans van (2012) Affective Social Ties - Missing Link in Governance Theory Rationality, Morals and Markets 3, 108-122 Link to article
Winden, Frans van and Elliott Ash (2012) On The Behavioral Economics of Crime Review of Law & Economics 8, 181-213 Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs (2012) Review of "A cooperative species: Human reciprocity and its evolution" by Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis Journal of Economic Literature 50, 797-803 Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs (2012) Robustness against indirect invasions Games and Economic Behavior 74, 382-393 Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs and Martin Nowak (2012) Multi-player games on the cycle Journal of Theoretical Biology 292, 116-128 Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs, Julián García, Dave Rand and Martin Nowak (2012) Direct reciprocity in structured populations Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109, 9929-9934 Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs, Julián García, Martijn Egas and Maurice W. Sabelis (2012) Group selection and inclusive fitness are not equivalent; the Price equation vs. models and statistics Journal of Theoretical Biology 299, 64–80 Link to article


Bault, Nadège, Mateus Joffily, Aldo Rustichini and Giorgio Coricelli (2011) Medial prefrontal cortex and striatum mediate the influence of social comparison on the decisioon process PNAS Link to article
Gillet, Joris, Arthur Schram and Joep Sonnemans (2011) Cartel Formation and Pricing: The Effect of Managerial Decision Making Rules International Journal of Industrial Organization 29, 126-133 Link to article
Hu, Audrey, Theo Offerman and Liang Zou (2011) Premium Auctions and Risk Preferences Journal of Economic Theory 146, 2420-2439 PDF-file
Hu, Audrey, Theo Offerman and Sander Onderstal (2011) Fighting Collusion in Auctions: An Experimental Investigation International Journal of Industrial Organization 29, 84-96 PDF-file
Krawczyk, Michal (2011) A model of procedural and distributive fairness Theory and Decision 70, 111-128 Link to article
Leuven, Edwin, Hessel Oosterbeek, Joep Sonnemans and Bas van der Klauw (2011) Incentives versus sorting in tournaments: Evidence from a field experiment Journal of Labour Economics 29, 637-658 Link to article
Oosterbeek, Hessel, Randolph Sloof and Joep Sonnemans (2011) Rent-seeking versus productive activities in a multi-task experiment European Economic Review 55, 630-643 PDF-file Link to article
Schram, Arthur and Joep Sonnemans (2011) How Individuals Choose Health Insurance: An Experimental Analysis European Economic Review 55, 799-819 Link to article
Sloof, Randolph and Joep Sonnemans (2011) The interaction between explicit and relational incentives: An experiment Games and Economic Behavior 73, 573-594 Link to article
de Haan, Thomas, Theo Offerman and Randolph Sloof (2011) Noisy Signaling: Theory and Experiment Games and Economic Behavior 73, 402-428 PDF-file instructions
van Veelen, Matthijs (2011) A rule is not a rule if it changes from case to case (a reply to Marshall's comment) Journal of Theoretical Biology 270, 189-195 Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs (2011) The replicator dynamics with n players and population structure Journal of Theoretical Biology 276, 78-85 Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs and Martin Nowak (2011) Selection for positive illusions (News and Views) Nature 477, 282–283 Link to article
van Winden, Frans, Michal Krawczyk and Astrid Hopfensitz (2011) Investment, Resolution of Risk, and the Role of Affect Journal of Economic Psychology 32, 918-939 Link to article


Abbink, Klaus, Jordi Brandts, Benedikt Herrmann and Henrik Orzen (2010) Inter-Group Conflict and Intra-Group Punishment in an Experimental Contest Game American Economic Review 100, 420-447
Bosman, Ronald and Frans van winden (2010) Global Risk, Investment, and Emotions Economica 77, 451-471 Link to article
Brandts, Jordi, Klarita Gërxhani, Arthur Schram and Jolanda Ygosse-Battisti (2010) Size Doesn’t Matter! Gift Exchange in Experimental Labor Markets Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 76, 544-548 Link to article
Grosser, Jens and Arthur Schram (2010) Public Opinion Polls, Voter Turnout, and Welfare: An Experimental Study American Journal of Political Science 54, 700-717 PDF-file ; Online Appendix Link to article
Hennig-Schmidt, Heike, Ulrike Leopold-Wildburger, Axel Ostmann and Frans van Winden (2010) Understanding Negotiations: A Video Approach in Experimental Gaming A. Ockenfels and A. Sadrieh (eds) The Selten School of Behavioral Economics Springer
Krawczyk, Michal (2010) A glimpse through the veil of ignorance: equality of opportunity and support for redistribution Journal of Public Economics 94, 131-141 Link to article
Reuben, Ernesto and Frans van Winden (2010) Negative Reciprocity and the Interaction of Emotions and Fairness Norms Journal of Economic Psychology 31, 908-922 Link to article
Sadiraj, Vjollca, Jan Tuinstra and Frans van Winden (2010) Identification of Voters with Interest Groups Improves the Electoral Changes of the Challenger Mathematical Social Sciences 60, 210-216 Link to article
Schram, Arthur, Klarita Gerxhani and Jordi Brandts (2010) Information, Bilateral Negotiations, and Worker Recruitment European Economic Review 54, 1035-1058 Link to article
Sonnemans, Joep and Jan Tuinstra (2010) Positive expectations feedback experiments and number guessing games as models of financial markets Journal of Economic Psychology 31, 964-984 Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs, Julián García and Leticia Avilés (2010) It takes grouping and cooperation to get sociality Journal of Theoretical Biology 264, 1240–1253 Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs, Julián García, Maurice W. Sabelis and Martijn Egas (2010) Call for a return to rigour in models (correspondence) Nature 467, 661 Link to article


Abbink, Klaus and Abdolkarim Sadrieh (2009) The Pleasure of Being Nasty Economics Letters 105, 306-308
Abbink, Klaus, Lars Chistian Moller, and Sarah O'Hara (2009) Sources of Mistrust: An Experimental Case Study of a Central Asian Water Conflict. Environmental and Resource Economics Link to article
Brandts,Jordi, Arno Riedl, Frans van Winden (2009) Competitive Rivalry, Social Disposition, and Subjective Well-Being: An Experiment Journal of Public Economics 93, 1158-1167 Link to article
Goeree, Jacob K., Arno Riedl and Aljaz Ule (2009) In search of stars: Network formation among heterogeneous agents Games and Economic Behavior 67, 445-466 Link to article
Gërxhani, Klarita and Arthur Schram (2009) Clientelism and polarized voting: Empirical evidence Public Choice 141, 305-317 PDF-file Link to article
Heemeijer, Peter , Cars Hommes, Joep Sonnemans and Jan Tuinstra (2009) Price Stability and Volatility in Markets with Positive and Negative Expectations Feedback: An Experimental Investigation Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 33, 1052-1072 Link to article
Joris Gillet, Arthur Schram and Joep Sonnemans (2009) The Tragedy of the Commons Revisited: The Importance of Group Decision-Making Journal of Public Economics 93, 785-797 Link to article
Offerman, Theo and Andrew Schotter (2009) Imitation and Luck: An Experimental Study on Social Sampling Games and Economic Behavior 65, 461-502
Offerman, Theo, Joep Sonnemans, Gijs van de Kuilen and Peter P. Wakker (2009) A Truth-Serum for Non-Bayesians: Correcting Proper Scoring Rules for Risk Attitudes Review of Economic Studies 76, 1461-1489 Background material Link to article
Schram, Arthur and Sander Onderstal (2009) Bidding to Give: An Experimental Comparison of Auctions for Charity International Economic Review 50, PDF-file Link to article
Sutter, Matthias , Ronald Bosman , Martin G. Kocher and Frans vanWinden (2009) Gender pairing and bargaining—Beware the same sex! Experimental Economics 12, 318-331 Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs (2009) The apples and oranges theorem for price indices Economics Letters 103, 12-14 Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs (2009) Group selection, kin selection, altruism and cooperation: when inclusive fitness is right and when it can be wrong Journal of Theoretical Biology 259, 589-600 Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs (2009) Does It pay to be good? Competing Evolutionary Explanations of Pro-Social Behaviour Jan Verplaetse, Jelle Schrijver, Sven Vanneste and Johan Braeckman (eds) The Moral Brain. Essays on the Evolutionary and Neuroscientific Aspects of Morality Springer
van Veelen, Matthijs and Peter Spreij (2009) Evolution in games with a continuous action space Economic Theory 39, 355-376 Link to article


Abbink, Klaus and Jordi Brandts (2008) 24 -- Pricing in Bertrand competition with increasing marginal costs Games and Economic Behavior 63, 1-31
Brandts, Jordi, Paul Pezanis-Christou and Arthur Schram (2008) Competition with Forward Contracts:A Laboratory Analysis Motivated by Electricity Market Design The Economic Journal 118, Appendices Link to article
Eliaz, Kfir, Theo Offerman and Andrew Schotter (2008) Creating Competition Out of Thin Air: An Experimental Study of Right-to-Choose Auctions Games and Economic Behavior 62, 383-416 PDF-file
Frans Van Winden, Mirre Stallen, and K. Richard Ridderinkhof (2008) On the Nature, Modeling, and Neural Bases of Social Ties Daniel E. Houser and Kevin A. McCabe (eds) Neuroeconomics, Vol. 20 Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research Emerald Insight Publishing PDF-file
Hommes, Cars, Joep Sonnemans, Jan Tuinstra and Henk van de Velden (2008) Expectations and Bubbles in Asset Pricing Experiments Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 67, 116-133 Link to article
Hopfensitz, Astrid and Frans van Winden (2008) Dynamic Choice, Independence and Emotions Theory and Decision 64, 249–300 Link to article
Mazza, Isidoro and Frans van Winden (2008) An Endogenous Policy Model of Hierarchical Government European Economic Review 52, 133-149 Link to article
Neugebauer, Tibor, Anders Poulsen and Arthur Schram (2008) Fairness and Reciprocity in the Hawk-Dove game. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 66, 243-250 Link to article
Reuben, Ernesto and Frans van Winden (2008) Social Ties and Coordination on Negative Reciprocity: The Role of Affect Journal of Public Economics 92, 34-53 Link to article
Riedl, Arno and Frans van Winden (2008) An experimental investigation of wage taxation and unemployment in closed and open economies (Revised version of Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper 00112) European Economic Review 51, 871-900 Link to article
Schram, Arthur and Joep Sonnemans (2008) Participation game experiments: Explaining voter turnout C.R. Plott and V.L. Smith (eds) The Handbook of Experimental Economics Results volume 1 Amsterdam: North-Holland
Schram, Arthur, Theo Offerman and Joep Sonnemans (2008) Explaining the comparative statistics in step-level public good games C.R. Plott and V.L. Smith (eds) The Handbook of Experimental Economics Results volume 1 Amsterdam: North-Holland
Ule, Aljaz (2008) (eds) Partner Choice and Cooperation in Networks: Theory and Experimental Evidence Springer Verlag Link to article
Van Winden, Frans, Mirre Stallen and K. Richard Ridderinkhof (2008) On the Nature, Modeling and Neural Bases of Social Ties Daniel E. Houser and Kevin A. McCabe (eds) Neuroeconomics, Vol. 20, Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, 2008 Emerald Insight Publishing
Winden, Frans van, Frans van Dijk en Joep Sonnemans (2008) Intrinsic Motivation in a Public Good Environment C.R. Plott and V.L. Smith (eds) The Handbook of Experimental Economics Results Volume 1 Amsterdam: North-Holland
van Veelen, Matthijs and Roy van der Weide (2008) A note on different approaches to index number theory American Economic Review 98, 1722–1730 Link to article


Ben-Shakar, Gershon, Gary Bornstein, Astrid Hopfensitz and Frans van Winden (2007) Reciprocity and Emotions in Bargaining: Using Physiological and Self-Report Measures Journal of Economic Psychology 314-323 Link to article
Hommes, Cars, Joep Sonnemans, Jan Tuinstra and Henk van de Velden (2007) Learning in Cobweb Experiments Macroeconomic Dynamics 11, 8-33 Link to article
Maximiano, Sandra, Randolph Sloof and Joep Sonnemans (2007) Gift exchange in a multi-worker firm. Economic Journal 117, 1025-1050 Link to article
Oosterbeek, Hessel, Randolph Sloof and Joep Sonnemans (2007) Who should invest in firm specific training? Journal of Population Economics 20, 329-357 Link to article
Oosterbeek, Hessel, Randolph Sloof and Joep Sonnemans (2007) Promotion rules and skill acquisition: An experimental study. Economica 74, 259-297 Link to article
Quiggin, John and Matthijs van Veelen (2007) Multilateral indices: conflicting approaches? Review of Income and Wealth 53, 372-378
Sloof, Randolph, Joep Sonnemans and Hessel Oosterbeek (2007) Underinvestment in training? Joop Hartog and Henriette Maassen van den Brink (eds) Human Capital; Advances in Theory and Evidence Cambridge University Press PDF-file
Sonnemans, Joep (2007) Distant relations, a review of "Social Psychology and Economics" Social Justice Research 20, 388-399 Link to article
Winden, Frans van (2007) Affective Public Choice José Casas Pardo and Pedro Schwartz (eds) Public Choice and the Challenges of Democracy Edward Elgar PDF-file
Winden, Frans van (2007) Affect and Fairness in Economics Social Justice Research 35-52 Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs (2007) Hamilton's missing link Journal of Theoretical Biology 246, 551-554 Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs and Astrid Hopfensitz (2007) In Love and War; altruism, norm formation, and two different types of group selection Journal of Theoretical Biology 249, 667-680 Link to article


Bosman, Ronald, Heike Hennig-Schmidt and Frans van Winden (2006) Exploring Group Decision Making in a Power-to-Take Experiment Experimental Economics 9, 35-51 Link to article
Cox, James C. and Vjollca Sadiraj (2006) Small- and Large-Stakes Risk Aversion: Implications of Concavity Calibration for Decision Theory Games and Economic Behaviour 45-60 Link to article
Goeree, Jacob K., Theo Offerman and Arthur Schram (2006) Using First-Price Auctions to Sell Heterogeneous Licenses International Journal of Industrial Organization 24, 555-581 PDF-file
Grosser, Jens and Arthur Schram (2006) Neighborhood Information Exchange And Voter Participation: An Experimental Study American Political Science Review 100, 235-248 PDF-file Online Appendices Link to article
Offerman, Theo, and Jan Potters (2006) Does Auctioning of Entry Licenses Induce Collusion? An Experimental Study Review of Economic Studies 73, 769-791 PDF-file
Sadiraj, Vjollca, Jan Tuinstra, and Frans van Winden (2006) A computational electoral competition model with social clustering and endogenous interest groups as information brokers Public Choice Link to article
Seinen, Ingrid and Arthur Schram (2006) Social Status and Group Norms: Indirect Reciprocity in a Helping Experiment. European Economic Review 50, 581-602 Link to article
Sloof, Randolph , Hessel Oosterbeek, Arno Riedl and Joep Sonnemans (2006) Breach remedies, reliance and renegotiation. International Review of Law and Economics 26, 263-296 Link to article
Sonnemans, Joep (2006) Price clustering and natural resistance points in the Dutch stock market: a natural experiment European Economic Review 50, 1937-1950 Appendix Link to article
Sonnemans, Joep, Frans van Dijk and Frans van Winden (2006) On the dynamics of social ties structures in groups (An earlier version of this paper was titled: Group formation in a public good experiment) Journal of Economic Psychology 27, 187-204 Link to article
Ule, A. and Boucherie, R.J. (2006) Adaptive dynamic capacity borrowing in road-covering mobile networks. (eds) Resource allocation in next generation wireless networks. Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing 5. Pages 67-87. Nova Science Publishers, New York
Winden, Frans van (2006) Social Science In The Making: An economist?s view Paul A.M. van Lange (eds) Bridging Social Psychology: Benefits of Transdisciplinary Approaches Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum PDF-file
van Veelen, Matthijs (2006) Why kin and group selection models may not be enough to explain human other-regarding behaviour Journal of Theoretical Biology 242, 790-797 Link to article


Bardsley, Nick and Rupert Sausgruber (2005) Conformity and reprocity in public good provision. Journal of Economic Psychology 26, 664-681 Link to article
Bosman, Ronald, Matthias Sutter and Frans van Winden (2005) The impact of real effort and emotions in the power-to-take game. Journal of Economic Psychology 26, 407-429 Link to article
Hommes, Cars, Joep Sonnemans, Jan Tuinstra and Henk van de Velden (2005) A strategy experiment in dynamic asset pricing. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 29, 823-843 Link to article
Hommes, Cars, Joep Sonnemans, Jan Tuinstra and Henk van de Velden (2005) Coordination of Expectations in Asset Pricing Experiments Review of Financial Studies 18, 955-980 Appendix Link to article
Riedl, Arno and Jean-Robert Tyran (2005) Tax Liability Side Equivalence in Gift Exchange Labor Markets. Fortcoming Journal of Public Economics 89, 2369-2382 Link to article
Sadiraj, Vjollca, Jan Tuinstra and Frans van Winden (2005) Interest Group Size Dynamics and Policymaking. Public Choice 125, 271-303 Link to article
Schram, Arthur (2005) Artificiality: the tension between internal and external validity in economic experiments. Journal of Economic Methodology 12, 225-237 Link to article
Ule, Jernej, Aljaz Ule, Joanna Spencer, Alan Williams, Jing-Shan Hu, Melissa Cline, Hui Wang, Tyson Clark, Claire Fraser, Matteo Ruggiu, Barry R Zeeberg, David Kane, John N Weinstein, John Blume and Robert B Darnell (2005) Nova regulates brain-specific splicing to shape the synapse Link to article
van Veelen, Matthijs (2005) On the use of the Price equation Journal of Theoretical Biology 237, 412-426 Link to article


Bornstein, Gary , Arthur Schram, and Joep Sonnemans (2004) Do Democracies breed Chickens? R. Suleiman, D. Budescu, I. Fischer and D. Messick (eds) Contemporary Psychological Research on Social Dilemmas Cambridge University Press
Brandts, Jordi, Tatsuyoshi Saijo and Arthur Schram (2004) How Universal is Behavior? A Four Country Comparison of Spite and Cooperation in Voluntary Contribution Mechanisms. Public Choice 119, 381-424 Link to article
Goeree, Jacob K. and Theo Offerman (2004) The Amsterdam Auction. Econometrica 72, 281-94
Offerman, Theo and Joep Sonnemans (2004) What's Causing Overreaction? An Experimental Investigation of Recency and the Hot Hand Effect Scandinavian Journal of Economics 106, 533-553 Link to article
Oosterbeek, Hessel, Randolph Sloof and Gijs van de Kuilen (2004) Cultural differences in ultimatum game experiments: evidence from a meta-analysis. Experimental Economics 7, 171-188 Link to article
Sloof, Randolph, Hessel Oosterbeek and Joep Sonnemans (2004) Specific investments, holdup, and the outside option principle. European Economic Review 48, 1399-1410 Link to article
Sonnemans, Joep, Cars Hommes, Jan Tuinstra and Henk van de Velden (2004) The Instability of a Heterogeneous Cobweb Economy:a Strategy Experiment on Expectation Formation Jounal of Economic Behavior and Organization 54, 453-481 Link to article


Bowles, Samuel, Jung-Kyoo Choi and Astrid Hopfensitz (2003) The co-evolution of individual behaviors and social institutions. Journal of Theoretical Biology 223, 135-147 Link to article
Goeree, Jabob K. (2003) Risk Averse Behavior in Generalized Matching Pennies Games Games and Economic Behavior 45, 97-113 Link to article
Goeree, Jacob K. (2003) Bidding for the Future: Signaling in Auctions with an Aftermarket Journal of Economic Theory 108, 345-364 Link to article
Goeree, Jacob K. (2003) A Model of Noisy Introspection Games and Economic Behavior 46, 365-382 Link to article
Goeree, Jacob K. and Theo Offerman (2003) Competitive Bidding in Auctions with Private and Common Values. Economic Journal 113, 598-613 Link to article
Goeree, Jacob K. and Theo Offerman (2003) Winner s Curse without Overbidding. European Economic Review 47, 625-44 Link to article
Oosterbeek, Hessel, Joep Sonnemans and Susan van Velzen (2003) The Need for Marriage Contracts: An Experimental Study. Journal of Population Economics 16, 431-53 Link to article
Riedl, Arno (2003) Emotionen bestimmen wirtschaftliches Handeln: Experimentelle Befunde. R. Sturn, M. Held and G. Kubon-Gilke (eds) Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung Marburg/Lahn, Metropolis Verlag
Riedl, Arno and Frans van Winden (2003) Information and the Creation and Return of Social Capital: An Experimental Study. H. Flap and B. Volker (eds) Creation and Returns of Social Capital Routledge
Schram, Arthur (2003) Experimental Public Choice C. K. Rowley and F. Schneider (eds) Encyclopedia of Public Choice Boston:Kluwer Academic Publishers
Sloof, Randolph, Edwin Leuven, Hessel Oosterbeek and Joep Sonnemans (2003) An experimental comparison of reliance levels under alternative breach remedies. Rand Journal of Economics 34, 205-222
Ule, Aljaz and Richard J. Boucherie (2003) On the Distribution of Calls in a Wireless Network driven by Fluid Traffic. European Journal of Operational Research 147, 146-155 Link to article
Ule, Jernej, Kirk B. Jensen, Matteo Ruggiu, Aldo Mele, Aljaz Ule and Robert B. Darnell (2003) CLIP Indentifies Nova-Regulated RNA Networks in the Brain SCIENCE 302, 1212-1215
Wakker, Peter P. (2003) The Data of Levy and Levy Management Science 49, 979-981
Winden, Frans van (2003) Interest group behavior and influence C. K. Rowley and F. Schneider (eds) Encyclopedia of Public Choice Vol. I Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers PDF-file


Bosman, Ronald and Frans van Winden (2002) Emotional Hazard in a Power-to-Take Experiment. Economic Journal 112, 147-69
Cox, James C., Theo Offerman, Mark Olson and Arthur Schram (2002) Competition For vs On the Rails: A Laboratory Experiment International Economic Review 43, 709-736
Diecidue, Enrico and Peter P. Wakker (2002) Dutch Books: Avoiding Strategic and Dynamic Complications, and a Comonotonic Extension. Mathematical Social Sciences 43, 135-49 Link to article
Dijk, Frans van, Joep Sonnemans and Frans van Winden (2002) Social Ties in a Public Good Experiment. Journal of Public Economics 85, 275-99 Link to article
G?th, Werner, Theo Offerman, Jan Potters, Martin Strobel and Harrie Verbon (2002) Are family transfers crowded out by public transfers? Scandinavian Journal of Economics 104, 587-604
Gilboa, Itzhak, David Schmeidler and Peter P. Wakker (2002) Utility in Case-Based Decision Theory. Journal of Economic Theory 105, 483-502 Link to article
Goeree, Jacob K. and Theo Offerman (2002) Efficiency in Auctions with Private and Common Values: An Experimental Study. American Economic Review 92, 625-43
Mazza, Isidoro and Frans van Winden (2002) Does Centralization Increase the Size of Government? The Effects of Separation of Powers and Lobbying. International Tax and Public Finance 9, 379-89 Link to article
Offerman, Theo (2002) Hurting Hurts More Than Helping Helps. European Economic Review 46, 1423-37 Link to article
Offerman, Theo, Jan Potters and Joep Sonnemans (2002) Imitation and Belief Learning in an Oligopoly Experiment. Review of Economic Studies 69, 973-97
Sadiraj, Vjollca (2002) Essays on Political and Experimental Ecnonomics.
Wakker, Peter P. and Horst Zank (2002) A Simple Preference Foundation of Cumulative Prospect Theory with Power Utility. European Economic Review 46, 1253-71 Link to article
Winden, Frans van (2002) Experimental investigation of collective action S.L. Winer and H. Shibata (eds) Political Economy and Public Finance: The Role ofPolitical Economy in the Theory and Practice of Public Economics Edward Elgar,Cheltenham PDF-file


Bardsley, Nick (2001) Control Without Deception: Individual Behaviour in Free-Riding Experiments Revisited. Experimental Economics 3, 215-240 Link to article
Bosman, Ronald (2001) Emotions and Economic Behavior: An Experimental Investigation
Brandts, Jordi and Arthur Schram (2001) Cooperation and Noise in Public Goods Experiments: Applying the Contribution Function Approach. Journal of Public Economics 79, 399-427 Link to article
Diecidue, Enrico and Peter P. Wakker (2001) On the Intuition of Rank-Dependent Utility. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 23, 281-98 Link to article
Dijk, Frans van, Joep Sonnemans and Frans van Winden (2001) Incentive Systems in a Real Effort Experiment. European Economic Review 45, 187-214 Link to article
Offerman, Theo, Jan Potters, et al. (2001) Cooperation in an Overlapping Generations Experiment. Games and Economic Behavior 36, 264-75 Link to article
Offerman, Theo, Joep Sonnemans and Arthur Schram (2001) Expectation Formation in Step-Level Public Good Games. Economic Inquiry 39, 250-69 Link to article
Riedl, Arno, and Frans van Winden (2001) Does the Wage Tax System cause Budget Deficits? Public Choice 109, 371-394 Link to article
Sonnemans, Joep, Hessel Oosterbeek and Randolph Sloof (2001) On the Relation between Asset Ownership and Specific Investments. Economic Journal 111, 791-820 Link to article
Waegenaere, Anja de and Peter P. Wakker (2001) Nonmonotonic Choquet Integrals. Journal of Mathematical Economics 36, 45-60 Link to article
Wakker, Peter P. (2001) Testing and Characterizing Properties of Nonadditive Measures through Violations of the Sure-Thing Principle. Econometrica 69, 1039-59
Winden, Frans van (2001) Emotional Hazard Exemplified by Taxation-Induced Anger. Kyklos 54, 491-506


Bardsley, Nick (2000) Interpersonal interaction and economic theory: the case of public goods. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 71, 1-37
Gerxhani, Klarita and Arthur Schram (2000) Politics in Transition Economies: Consequences of a Clan Culture. Journal for Institutional Innovation, Development and Transition. 4, 5-14
Hommes, Cars, Joep Sonnemans and Henk van de Velden (2000) Expectation Formation in a Cobweb Economy; some one-person experiments. D.Delli Gatti, M. Gallegati and A. Kirman (eds) Market Structure, Aggregation and Heterogeneity Springer Verlag PDF-file
Jacobsen, Ben, Jan Potters, Arthur Schram, Frans van Winden and J?rgen Wit (2000) (In)accuracy of a European political stock market: The influence of common value structures European Economic Review 44, 205-230 Link to article
Keser, Claudia and Frans van Winden (2000) Conditional Cooperation and Voluntary Contributions to Public Goods. Scandinavian Journal of Economics 102, 23-39
Potters, Jan and Frans van Winden (2000) Professionals and Students in a Lobbying Experiment: Professional Rules of Conduct and Subject Surrogacy. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 43, 499-522 Link to article
Schaeffer, G.J. and Joep Sonnemans (2000) The influence of banking and borrowing under different penalty regimes in tradable green certificate markets - resulst from an experimental laboratory experimen Energy & Environment 11, 407-422 Link to article
Schram, Arthur (2000) Sorting Out the Seeking: The Economics of Individual Motivations. Public Choice 103, 231-58 Link to article
Sloof, Randolph (2000) Interest group lobbying and the delegation of policy authority Economics and Politics 12, 247-274
Sloof, Randolph and Frans van Winden (2000) Show Them Your Teeth First! A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Lobbying and Pressure. Public Choice 104, 81-120 Link to article
Sonnemans, Joep (2000) Decisions and Strategies in a Sequential Search Experiment. Journal of Economic Psychology 21, 91-102 Link to article


Drissen, Eric (1999) Government decisions on income redistribution and public production.
Sloof, Randolph (1999) Campaign contributions and the desirability of full disclosure laws Economics and Politics 11, 83-107
Sonnemans, Joep, Arthur Schram and Theo Offerman (1999) Strategic Behavior in Public Good Games: When Partners Drift Apart. Economics Letters 62, 35-41 Expanded working paper Link to article
Winden, Frans van (1999) On the Economic Theory of Interest Groups: Towards a Group Frame of Reference in Political Economics. Public Choice 100, 1-29 Link to article
Wit, Jorgen (1999) Social Learning in a Common Interest Voting Game. Games and Economic Behavior 26, 131-156 Link to article


Dijk, Frans van (1998) Private support and social security Journal of Population Economics 11, 345-371
Fehr, Ernst, Georg Kirchsteiger and Arno Riedl (1998) Gift Exchange and Reciprocity in Competitive Experimental Markets. European Economic Review 42, 1-34 Link to article
Offerman, Theo and Joep Sonnemans (1998) Learning by Experience and Learning by Imitating Successful Others. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 34, 559-75 Link to article
Offerman, Theo, Arthur Schram and Joep Sonnemans (1998) Quantal Response Models in Step-Level Public Good Games. European Journal of Political Economy 14, 89-100 Link to article
Potters, Jan, Casper G. de Vries and Frans van Winden (1998) An ExperimentalReexamination of Rational Rent-seeking European Journal of PoliticalEconomy 14, 783-800
Sloof, Randolph (1998) Game-theorectic models of the political influence of interest groups. (eds) Kluwer, Boston
Sonnemans, Joep (1998) Strategies of Search. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 35, 309-32 Link to article
Sonnemans, Joep, Arthur Schram and Theo Offerman (1998) Public Good Provision and Public Bad Prevention: The Effect of Framing. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 34, 143-61 Link to article
Verstegen, Jos, Joep Sonnemans, Ruud Huirne, Aalt Dijkhuizen and James Cox (1998) Quantifying the effects of sow-herd management information systems on farmers' decision making using experimental economics American Journal of Agricultural Economy 80, 821-829 Link to article
Winden, Frans van (1998) Experimental Studies of Signaling Games L. Luini (eds) Uncertain Decisions, Bridging Theory and Experiments Kluwer, Boston
Wit, Jorgen (1998) Rational choice and the Condorcet jury theorem. Games and Economic Behavior 22, 364-376 Link to article


Banks, Jeffrey, Mark Olson and David Porter (1997) An Experimental analysis of the bandit problem Economic Theory 10, 55-57
Dijk, Frans van and Frans van Winden (1997) Dynamics of social ties and local public good provision Journal of Public Economics 64, 323-341 Link to article
Dijk, Frans van (1997) Is old-fashioned private assistance an alternative to modern social security? De Jong,P.R. and Marmor, T.R. (eds) Social policy and the labor market. International studies on social security Aldershot: Avebury Publishing Company
Offerman, Theo (1997) Beliefs and Decision Rules in Public Good Games (eds) Theory and Experiments Kluwer, Dordrecht/Boston/London
Ophem, Hans van and Arthur Schram (1997) Sequential and Multinomial Logit: A Nested Model. Empirical Economics 22, 131-52
Potters, Jan, Randolph Sloof and Frans van Winden (1997) Campaign Expenditures, contributions and direct endorsement: The strategic use of information and money to influence voter behavior European Journal of Political Economy 13, 1-31
Schram, Arthur (1997) Do people care about Democracy? Public Choice 91, 49-51 Link to article
Sloof, Randolph (1997) Competitive lobbying for a legislator s vote :A comment Social Choice and Welfare 14, 449-464
Sloof, Randolph (1997) Lobbying when the decisionmaker can acquire independent information: A comment Public Choice 91, 199-207 Link to article
Sloof, Randolph (1997) Game-theoretic Models of the Political influence of interest Groups.
Wit, Jorgen (1997) Dynamics and information.


Keser, Claudia (1996) Voluntary contributions to a public good when partial contribution is a dominant strategy Economic Letters 50, 359-366 Link to article
Mazza Isidoro and Frans van Winden (1996) A political economic analysis of labor migration and income redistribution Public Choice 89, 333-363
Offerman, Theo, Joep Sonnemans and Arthur Schram (1996) Value Orientations, Expectations and Voluntary Contributions in Public Goods. Economic Journal 106, 817-45 Link to article
Potters, Jan and Frans van Winden (1996) Comparative Statics of a Signaling Game: An Experimental Study. International Journal of Game Theory 25, 329-53
Potters, Jan and Frans van Winden (1996) Models of Interest Groups Schofield, N., (eds) Collective Decision-Making, Social Choice andPolitical Economy Kluwer, Boston
Potters, Jan and Randolph Sloof (1996) Interest groups: A survey of empirical models that try to assess their influence European Journal of Political Economy 12, 403-442
Schram, Arthur and Joep Sonnemans (1996) Voter Turnout as a Participation Game: An Experimental Investigation. International Journal of Game Theory 25, 385-406 PDF-file
Schram, Arthur and Joep Sonnemans (1996) Why People Vote: Experimental Evidence. Journal of Economic Psychology 17, 417-42 Link to article


Sonnemans, Joep and Nico Frijda (1995) The Determinants Of Subjective Emotional Intensity. Cognition Emotion 9, 483-506 PDF-file
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Winden, Frans van (1995) Government, Institutional Dynamics and Competitive A. Rugman et al. (eds) Beyond the Diamond JAI Press(Research in Global Strategic Management, vol. 5), Greenwich, 1995


Beus, Jos de (1994) On the Convergence of Formal Rules H.J. Wagener (eds) The Political Economy of Transformation Physica-Verlag,Berlin
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Drissen, Eric and Frans van Winden (1993) A General Equilibrium Model with Endogenous Government Institutions Behavior. An Analytical Approach William Barnett, Melvin Hinich and Norman Schofield (eds) PoliticalEconomy; Institutions, Information and Competition Cambridge UniversityPress, Cambridge
Fehr, Ernst, Georg Kirchsteiger and Arno Riedl (1993) Does Fairness Prevent Market Clearing? An Experimental Investigation. Quarterly Journal of Economics 108, 437-59
Keser, Claudia (1993) Some Results of Experimental Duoploy Markets with Demand Inertia The Journal of Industrial Economics 41, 133-152
Velthoven, Ben van, Harrie Verbon and Frans van Winden (1993) The Political Economy of Government Debt: A Survey H. Verbon and Winden, F. van (eds) The Political Economy of Government Debt North-Holland, Amsterdam
Winden, Frans van (1993) Some Reflections on the Next 25 Years of Public Choice Public Choice 77, 213-223
Winden, Frans van and Gerrit de Wit (1993) Nomenklatura, state monopoly and private Public Choice 77, 573-594
van Riel, Arthur and Arthur Schram (1993) Weimar Economic Decline, Nazi Economic Recovery, and the Stabilization of Political Dictatorship. Journal of Economic History 53, 71-105


Beus, Jos de (1992) Applying first world political economy to the second world s march into civil society Broeck, J. van den & Bulcke D. van (eds) Changing Economic Order. Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen
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Potters, Jan (1992) Fixed cost messages Economics Letters 38, 43-47 Link to article
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Drissen, Eric and Frans van Winden (1991) Social security in a general equilibrium Journal of Population Economics 4, 89-110
Potters, Jan, Frans van Winden and Michael Mitzkewitz (1991) Does concession always prevent pressure? Selten, R. (eds) Game Equilibrium IV, Social and political interaction Springer Verlag, Berlin
Renaud, Paul and Frans van Winden (1991) Behavior and budgetary atonomy EuropeanJournal of Political Economy 7, 547-577
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Schram, Arthur and Frans van Winden (1991) Why people vote: free riding and the production and consumption of social pressure Journal of Economic Psychology 12, 575-620 Link to article
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Schram, Arthur (1990) A Dynamic Model of Voter Behavior and the Demand for Public Goods among Social Groups in Great Britain. Journal of Public Economics 41, 147-82 Link to article
Wit, Gerrit de and Frans van Winden (1990) An Empirical Analysis of Self-Employment in the Netherlands. Economics Letters 32, 97-100